Changing Direction

Three months ago I made a commitment to write consistently.

Then I learned to crochet.

It's a fantastic hobby, and I can argue that it's useful.  I can make things!  I can sell things!  I can be productive!

But then I remember that God doesn't ask for productivity.  He asks for obedience.

* * * 

In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't been blogging lately.

It's not because I haven't had things to write about, it's because I've been struggling with how to write about things.

It's my latest avoidance tactic, I suppose.

See, I've always been a bit of a perfectionist.  When I do something, I like to do it well - and naturally, that extends to blogging.  I haven't been working since last fall so I've had lots of time to read and research, trying to learn what makes a blog "successful".

There are lots of opinions out there, but most of what I've read points to four key ingredients:

  1. Find your voice.
  2. Find your niche.
  3. Write for your audience.
  4. Be consistent.

It seems simple enough.

But then I started to wonder how to measure "success".   Was I successful when I doubled my traffic?  Tripled it?  When my twitter or instagram followers reached a specific number?  When I started making money from my blog?

The more articles I read, the more overwhelmed I became.  There are so many rules!  It was enough to turn me off blogging for awhile.

Truth be told, it doesn't take much to turn me off writing for awhile ...

We're busy with renovating.

I'm working again.

I'm tired.

My brain is fried.

I'm out of ideas.

I don't know where to begin ...

* * * 

I've been reading the story of Moses in Exodus lately.

"Master, please, I don't talk well.  I've never been good with words, neither before nor after You spoke to me ..."

God's response?  "Who do you think made the human mouth?  And who makes some mute, some deaf, some sighted, some blind?  Isn't it I, God?  So get going.  I'll be right there with you - with your mouth!  I'll be right there to teach you what to say."  (Exodus 4:10-12, MSG).

Moses hesitated, begging God to send someone else.

He made excuses, just like I do.

I need to be brave.

* * * 

  1. I'm overwhelmed by the rules of "proper blogging" - so I'm just going to break them.  I've spent so much time reading other blogs, trying to uncover their secrets to success, that I lost my voice.  Hence the four month hiatus.  How can I find my voice when my head is full of everybody else's?
  2. I've never been able to pinpoint a real "niche" - and I think that's okay.  I don't need a "niche", I need direction - and I have that now.  Whether or not I have courage is a post for another day!
  3. I've never had a huge audience - and I'm okay with that.  Numbers don't matter.  Jesus only had twelve followers, after all!
  4. I struggle with consistency.  I'm not in a season of life where I can guarantee a new post at a certain time on a specific day of the week - but I'm going to try to drop into this space more regularly!  If I disappear again, feel free to e-mail me.  I need the accountability!

* * * 

As for where to begin -

"Wherever you are is a good and important place.  Start there."  (Gary Morland)

So I will.

Thanks for sticking with me while my blog changes direction!